Build your own digital health apps or add functionalities to your existing ecosystem.

DHEP White Label (DHEP-WL)

Use our configurable software to publish your own branded health and wellbeing apps.

dacadoo SaaS

Give your customers access to the ready–to–use dacadoo health app. 

Health Score

Use Health Score feature as part of our holistic DHEP solutions or integrate it as standalone functionality via HS-API.  

Explore all our DHEP solutions

Acquire Customers

Become a leader in proactive digital health promotion and attract new customers to your business. 

Retain Customers

Foster long-term loyalty and reduce attrition among your customers and employees by engaging them in their health and wellbeing.

Engage Customers

Use personalized data-driven insights, wellbeing advice, and incentives to boost customer engagement and increase cross-selling and up-selling opportunities. 

Find out more about how dacadoo can help you!


Promote healthier lifestyles among members to mitigate risk, increase sales, and reduce customer churn.

Health Providers

Attract and retain customers by empowering them to make better lifestyle choices and improve overall wellbeing.


Use data-driven customer insights to make personalized recommendations that drive engagement and sales.


Promote a healthier lifestyle among the workforce to enhance productivity, reduce absenteeism and sick days, and foster a positive wellbeing culture.


Cross-sell life or health insurance to your existing customers or use lifestyle data to create personalized offers that drive customer acquisition and engagement.

Find out more about how dacadoo can help you!

Management Team

Meet our Management team, whose expertise, passion, and innovation are transforming the healthcare engagement landscape.

Scientific Advisory Board

Comprising renowned healthcare and data experts, our Scientific Advisory Board ensures the scientific rigor and efficacy of our health engagement technology.

Our Team

Get to know the dedicated individuals powering our daily operations. Our dynamic and collaborative team is the heartbeat of our organization.

White Papers & Reports

Get the latest in-depth industry research trends and analysis.


Visualise our latest health data and understand how dacadoo supports businesses globally.


Watch our latest recordings with leading speakers. Gain industry insights and expert guidance.


Download industry flyers. Deep-dive into our suite of customer health engagement and health risk quantification solutions. 

Use Cases

Explore our Use Cases for great examples of how our clients have transformed with the use of our technology.

dacadoo Recognized As DIA’s Top 100 Insurtechs To Watch In 2021

We are thrilled to have made the cut of DIA’s top 100 Insurtechs to watch during this year! The established Digital Insurance Agenda (DIA) has just published their anticipated report on ‘The Insurtechs To Watch During 2021’. In this excellent summary of international Insurtechs, we are proudly surrounded by some truly remarkable talent. DIA states […]

World Cancer Day: A Look Into Prevention

Globally, cancer is the second leading cause of death, with estimates declaring that 1 in 6 deaths occurs due to cancer. The widespread disease is not only costing us many lives globally, but it also comes with an expensive price tag for our economy. The global annual economic cost of cancer in 2010 was estimated […]

Mindfulness: A Journey Into The Present Moment

We’re now concluding our in-depth series of Wheel of LifeTM blogs with our last and seventh piece on the mindfulness category. Meditation and mindfulness are not new practices. Some archaeologists date meditation back to as early as 5,000 BCE. However, in recent decades, these Eastern-born practices have gained tremendous popularity worldwide and have become mainstream. […]

Self-Control: Managing Habits

As we’re coming to the end of our Wheel of LifeTM weekly blogs, one of the remaining categories to discuss is self-control. The self-control section of our Wheel encompasses alcohol, caffeine and nicotine consumption, so we’ll explore the overall dangers associated with consumption (or overconsumption) of these substances. Nicotine Consumption Nicotine, a highly addictive substance, […]

Physical Activity: Beyond Exercise

As we’re over halfway through our Wheel of LifeTM series, this week we’re going to talk about physical activity. Being physically active has a surprising number of benefits, as you’ll discover below. Hence why the WHO has set very precise guidelines on how much physical activity everybody around the world should be getting. They recommend […]

Food Is The Best Medicine

As the wise Hippocrates once said, food really can be our medicine. So, for our fourth blog in our Wheel of LifeTM series, we’re going to talk about nutrition. Optimal nutrition is a crucial part of our whole lives. Starting from pregnancy, infancy, adolescence and all the way into our senior years, nutrition will play […]

The Importance Of Sleep For Holistic Health

For our third blog on our Wheel of LifeTM series, we’ll be focusing on sleep and how it affects overall health. We all know that the recommended sleep time for adults is between 7-9 hours a night. Shockingly, adults worldwide are actually averaging a mere 6.8 hours nightly, according to a recent study.This is a […]

Mental Wellbeing And How It Affects Overall Health

For our second blog in our weekly Wheel of LifeTM series, we’d like to shine a light on mental wellbeing. A recent study estimates that 792 million people live with a mental health condition worldwide. This is slightly more than one in ten people globally (10.7%). Although it is worth noting the figure could be […]

As Seen In The Times: Insurers Must Lead New Ecosystem In Changed World

Our Global Integrated Insurance Operator Report is giving insurers a lot to talk about. Hence why we were featured in The Times’ special insert “The Future of Insurance”. In this article we highlight the key findings from our report, which are currently more relevant than ever, as the insurance industry undergoes the biggest fundamental transformation […]

Why Physical Health Should Never Be Overlooked

As we dive into our weekly series of Wheel of LifeTM blogs, we’d like to kick-start our journey by focusing first on physical health. Your overall lifestyle can be influenced by your physical health. Therefore, users can enhance their overall health outcomes by making lifestyle changes leading to a healthier body. We are now laying […]